All our teaching is taught and prepared by experienced teachers who have years of experience working with the National Curriculum. All the content as set out in the updated National Curriculum.
In Key Stage 1, students should develop their ability to write accurately with developing spelling techniques and word structures. In addition, the students are taught reading skills, writing techniques and spelling, grammar and punctuation level work.
The English Programme of Study at Key Stage 2 develops the base ofthe four core primary areas:
- Spoken Language
- Reading
- Writing
- Regular homework
- Spelling, grammar and punctuation (SPaG0
The Maths Programme for both Key Stage 1 and 2 is focussed on the main areas of Number, Measurement, Geometry and statistics. The complete programme of study showing the content for each year group can be found by following this link:
In Key Stage 3 students develop a deeper understanding for English, looking at more challenging texts, including Shakespeare whilst still reinforcing the key skills of spelling, punctuation and grammar. In Key Stage 3 students are expected to be more creative writers of both fiction and non-fiction texts, developing skills of planning, drafting, editing, amending: applying knowledge of language, grammar, structure, literary and rhetorical devices.
In Key Stage 3 maths students are expected to develop and consolidate previously learnt skills to a higher level and develop fluency when working mathematically. In addition, new concepts are introduced such as algebra, formulas and reasoning skills.
The English GCSE programme, that begins towards the end of Key Stage 3 into Key Stage 4, is broken down into two key components, English Language and English Literature.
Maths in Key Stage 4 predominantly prepares students for the 3 GCSE exams that are set either at Foundation Level, where the highest grade able to be achieved is 5, or Higher where the highest Grade is 9. Grade 5 is a ‘strong pass’ and equivalent to a high C and low B on the old grading system. Grade 4 remains the level that students MUST achieve without needing to resit English and Maths. Although many schools expect Grade 5 in order to move onto Sixth Form.